Aminet 33
Aminet 33 - October 1999.iso
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»BIG:»CL9:No Limits?
»SML: »CL5:Written By Darkus/Nautika
»CL0: Throughout the years many new diskmagazines have embraced the scene, some
obviously more successful than others. Magazines such as the legendary RAW
is the best illustration of how a talented team of editors combined with a
powerful group can work together to produce excellence. Just recently we
all witnessed the release of The Scene Press, courtesy of a co-operation
between Nerve Axis and Darkage. With both groups being quite powerful in
todays scene we can be assured this is a sign The Scene Press will be a
real treat. Also with this being the second atempt at a magazine from both
groups we can surely expect something extra special.
»CL9: Wrong Look?
»CL0: Taking into account the high expections, I was hoping this was going to
be the magazine we have all be waiting for. Yet my hopes were instantly
dashed when I noticed the magazine took more the Pressure aproach rather
than that of Scenetime. Here in England Pressure was heralded as a great
success down to the fact the UK scene had not seen a diskmag in such a long
time, infact most UK sceners today have never seen a UK produced diskmag.
So its no wonder sceners from this small island would like such a
production. Yet amazingly Pressure has been seen ranked quite highly in
charts, however this is mostly down to sceners simply voting for it due to
the new found fame of the Nerve Axis team. Some sceners seemed blind to the
poor quality of it.
»CL9: Missing Common Sense
»CL0: Overall, this seems to be a major step in the wrong direction for the two
collaborating groups. One finds it very difficult to understand why Nerve
Axis and Darkage would take the Pressure look, it would appear only a small
fraction of common sense would have prevented this from happening.
Personally I believe they should have coded a new magazine altogether, with
good elements from both Scenetime and Pressure. Doesnt that make more sense to
»CL9: Quantity over Quality?
»CL0: The magazine boasts quite a large editorial staff which consists of 3
main editors and 8 co-editors bringing the total to 11 writers. And as we
all know its quality that counts, not the quantity. Which seems to be
another mistake Darkage and Nerve Axis have made. Looking closly at the
staff, we have Koasmaster,Ghandy,Soda,Darkhawk and Yure who are the only
established writers. Leaving a total of 6 either unknown or known to be not
particularly good. Thus leading us to believe the overall choice of staff
indicates Darkage and Nerve Axis have decided upon releasing issues full
of as many articles as possible whilst not taking into account the quality
of them. However in the debut issue, the quality and quantity of the
articles was suprisingly balanced well. Yet this is simply because most of
the staff didn`t even manage to write one article between them, and by
judging past articles by these sceners it seems this worked to the
advantage of the magazine. I`m sure issue 2 will bring many articles by
each staff member, dipping the current successful balance into quantity
over quality. Which is, a shame.
»CL9: The Charts
»CL0: With the joining of the two magazines it is no suprise the Scenetime
chart would continue. However it was a suprise to see the exact same
layout and graphics used. Yet another disapointment, this time showing
a somewhat lack of effort from the creaters. It may have been acceptable
if the graphics were actually similar to the rest, but they arent. Making
the chart look out of place and adding a feel of poor design to the overall
image of the magazine.
»CL9: Final Conlusion
»CL0: Such potential and experience from the two groups seems to have gone to
waste, leaving us with nothing more than a slight touched up version of
Pressure and the death of Scenetime. Surely a negative move! Yet one still
feels a positive outcome as been obtained. The fact this is the final step
to promoting The Official Eurocharts as the number one chart magazine.